Red Flower Yoga


The Sahumador (Copalera chalice) is an instrument from South America originating from the indigenous peoples and is a ritual to be performed only by initiated women. In recent years in Europe (Netherlands) there are also more and more beautiful and powerful medicine women who have been initiated into this tradition. Through ceremonies the knowledge is handed down.

Herbs are burned in the chalice according to a certain ritual. These herbs each have their own Spirit, energy and properties. The sacred smoke released from the burning of the herbs is used to cleanse, heal and give blessings. The chalice symbolises the womb of the Sahumadora. This is our pure source of power from which we consciously connect and perform the ritual.

I have been an initiated Sahumadora since 2021 and since then I have been working from my own source of power in connection with the sacred smoke with much love and gentleness. I treat myself and others. During a ceremony I burn specific herbs for a cleansing, healing and/or blessings. I also work with the Sahumador when cleansing and blessing homes and spaces, land or an area. It is wonderful to work in this way with this beautiful and powerful ritual.