Red Flower Yoga
Remembering Sisterhood

Remembering Sisterhood

Wednesdays 19h – 21h30

During these ceremonies, we go back to our source. We remember again who we are, in connection with our womb, the feminine medicine and with each other.

In tribal settings and traditionally, women live in communities. Women’s strength and medicine is enhanced by the strength of the group. We support each other. This is also how we restore the light principles of harmony & balance back to earth.

  • intuitive expression
  • breathwork
  • silence
  • music
  • touch
  • connecting and working with crystals and herbs
  • supporting and seeing each other


Put on comfortable clothes so you can move freely. Mats, pillows and blankets are provided on site. When breath work is scheduled, it is good to eat a light meal by 5pm at the latest.

Breathwork can be seen as a “breath journey”, a journey in which you consciously dare to go to deep and sometimes unseen layers in yourself, to feel, to acknowledge, to transform with the help of a certain breathing technique.

All women who feel the calling are welcome.


The sessions are guided by Jeanine Sophie and Anke Maria.


First time participation is free, thereafter €35 per session.